Our Services

We've sat in the hot seat.  We've lived the experience of building, growing, and selling our own companies.  We understand what it's like to make a payroll, hire, fire, fund, plan, market, sell, deliver, and collect.  We have extensive hands-on experience and are here to Help companies achieve their objectives.

Professional Services

The service descriptions below form a general scope of our offerings.  This is not an exhaustive list of all the services we offer. 

  • Business Planning & Execution

    The expression "Ready, Fire, Aim" is the methodology many companies use to plan their future.  As you can imagine, it's pretty difficult to hit your target if you don't - Aim.  Planning is essential for overall company success as it is for small projects within an organization.  The most important part of the planning process is writing down each part and methodically implementing the action points.  Planning starts by having a broad Vision of your goals - Focusing or narrowing down the specific action points - and Planning the implementation.  Success revolves around the attitude, discipline, and structure of an organization to Aim before they Fire.

  • Systems Planning & Implementation

    Business environments are constantly changing.  New products are introduced - technologies change.  Industries evolve and companies must make the appropriate changes to maintain their edge.  The Internet as an example, has been a catalyst for change and businesses must keep up with the changes in technologies like websites, email, and now - cloud computing.  Today more and more computer applications are moving to "the cloud", where they can be accessed from anywhere.  Systems Planning follows the same principles as  Business Planning - on a smaller scale.  If it's updating legacy systems, implementing new applications, moving applications to the cloud, or creating a paperless office, it requires the same diligent - systematic approach.

  • Business Innovations & Improvements

    Improving your business is an on-going challenge.  Sometimes you are forced to make changes by software companies who no longer support older versions.  We have seen these changes as Microsoft stopped supporting older operating systems.  Some business improvements are discretionary, such as upgrading to the latest version of application software.  With so many choices available, it can be a daunting task to determine the most effective solution.  Regardless of if you are pushed or you choose to innovate your business, it's very important to seek out and analyze the alternatives.  You should constantly ask why - what is the benefit - how will this impact productivity.  So, if the decision is to convert to a paperless office, move office applications to the cloud, or implementing tablets for outside salespeople - analyze the alternatives so you can feel that you've made the correct decision - you'll have to live with that decision for a long time - make it the right one.

  • Internet Marketing

    The most important criteria of any marketing campaign is the Return on Investment (ROI).  It's essential that before you launch any marketing campaign, you must have a method to measure the results - otherwise, how do you know it's working - how do you know the ROI?  As a matter of fact, if you knew the source of your business, it's very possible that it can be scaled.  One of the benefits of Internet marketing are the facilities available to track each and every order - including what words the person used to search for your products and what website they searched from.  With this information in hand, you can calculate the ROI and determine if it makes sense to scale the advertising.  In addition, you can start slow, "stick your toe in the water", and slowly ramp up your marketing - based upon the results.  You can also find out immediately the results so you can quickly take action.  The Internet presents a new opportunity for companies to expose their products and services while providing immediate results, and you can determine how to create the greatest bang for your buck.

  • Website & Storefront Development

    Websites have taken on a larger and larger role in presenting companies to the world.  Today, businesses must have a website to even be considered legit.  As website technology has matured, many websites are being re-developed to take advantage of the latest developments.  A website is no longer a static brochure but a living / breathing instrument to help promote a business.  On-line Stores have taken websites to an all new level.  Not only can you now present your products to the world, you can also automatically sell products without having to lift a finger. 

  • Sales Force Training

    Anyone can close a deal, but it takes a certain type of person – properly trained to know how to close business over and over again. There are people who are natural sales people but imagine what they could do if they truly understood how to close a deal. You can turn your sales people into Closers – Stars.  This customized training program is designed to teach the effective use of proper sales techniques including: Opening, Listening, Qualifying, and Closing.  Your sales people will come away with a clear understanding of the process of moving a suspect to a prospect to a customer.  Bottom line - they will close more business - Guaranteed!